
by Lyconet Global AG



Keep track of your Lyconet business, even when youre on the move: The Lyconet app enables you to create and maintain your Organization conveniently from your phone.The features at a glance:• Lyconet Home, the hub for all important elements of your business• My Network, navigate trough your Organization and get an overview about all important KPIs• Your personal dashboard including individual shortcuts to selected team members (favourites) for a quick career progress overview• Access the Lyconet media center, where you can find marketing material for all your needs• Send out personalized invitations, which enable you to comfortably grow your Organization• Manage your Lyconet Profile Card to make a good impression at the next eventGet the perfect companion and create and maintain your Organization even more efficiently with the Lyconet app.This gives your career as a Lyconet Marketer additional momentum!